Thursday, June 20, 2019

Influence of Ethics on Decision Making & Impact of Technology on Essay

Influence of Ethics on Decision Making & Impact of Technology on Work-Related Stress - Essay ExampleTechnology is another factor that affects the workplace and forces managers to make decision regarding the integration of new technological business solution. This paper analyzes the effects of ethics in decision making and the encroachment of technology on work related stress.The actions and decisions that companies make can have a lasting impact in the reputation of an enterprise. The rising cost of doing business place managers in situations in which they have to make tough decisions about different business actions. environmental regulation is one of these areas in which companies at times try to cheat the system. The environmental regulations oversees are much lower than in the United States. Companies know that accepted industrial processes hurt the environment, but if the country allows them a firm may be persuaded to lower their standard to reduce cost despite knowing that t his is chastely wrong Twenty four years a ago there a tragic case of an immoral decision concerning safety protocols in Bhopal India that winding to a gas leak explosion. The accident at the Union Carbide pesticide plant caused the death of over 8,000 people and injured over 50,000 due to corporate default and irrefutable immoral behavior (Primeseeeds, 1999).The utilitarian view of ethics considers ethical behavior to be that which delivers the greatest good to the greatest number of people (Shermerhorn, et al.). lets consider the case of immigrant works in the agricultural field. Currently the United States laws forbid the employment of illegal immigrant workers. There is a shortage of publish of labor to work in the agricultural field and a need for the food production for the community. The illegal coming into America have the necessity to begin they are willing to work hard for low wages. Based the facts many farming companies are willing hire illegal immigrants despite the risk of liner large fines if the government finds out. To the

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